
I’m doing the lords work

I'm a waiter/bartender in Sweden. Yesterday we had a blackout in half the town, including our restaurant. So we could only serve cold cuts for 2 hours. The chef told me he was gonna punch out while there was a blackout and I told him to sit down. Unless you're going home, you're still at work. If you're at work, you're getting paid! This mf got some unhealthy views, but I'm gonna beat them straight out of him!

I'm a waiter/bartender in Sweden. Yesterday we had a blackout in half the town, including our restaurant. So we could only serve cold cuts for 2 hours. The chef told me he was gonna punch out while there was a blackout and I told him to sit down. Unless you're going home, you're still at work. If you're at work, you're getting paid!

This mf got some unhealthy views, but I'm gonna beat them straight out of him!

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