
There is so much waste in office work

I'm pretty lazy. I won't lie. But here's the thing, when push comes to shove I do what NEEDS to be done. What I absolutely HATE is doing stuff that just doesn't matter. One thing that I've seen a lot of in my 20 years of working in a office is just how much wasteful energy is spent doing pointless stuff. It drives me insane. I can't tell you how many tasks I've been given that are just not adding any real value and they will have these arbitrary deadlines that I have to meet. Not only that, but in order to “succeed” in the office, you have to spend at least 50% of your efforts towards putting up appearances. A lot of the aforementioned pointless tasks? Yeah, they only exist to give the appearance that we are sooo busy and we are really going above and beyond and we…

I'm pretty lazy. I won't lie. But here's the thing, when push comes to shove I do what NEEDS to be done. What I absolutely HATE is doing stuff that just doesn't matter. One thing that I've seen a lot of in my 20 years of working in a office is just how much wasteful energy is spent doing pointless stuff. It drives me insane. I can't tell you how many tasks I've been given that are just not adding any real value and they will have these arbitrary deadlines that I have to meet.

Not only that, but in order to “succeed” in the office, you have to spend at least 50% of your efforts towards putting up appearances. A lot of the aforementioned pointless tasks? Yeah, they only exist to give the appearance that we are sooo busy and we are really going above and beyond and we are being proactive… all the buzzwords we are.

It's all so fake and superficial and my bosses and coworkers work very hard to put up the front that they are a team player, yet their real motive is to sabotage others in a covert enough fashion as to seem agreeable on the surface.

I'm just not fit for this shit, man! I'm too much of a “no nonsense” kind of person and I'm sooo tired of dealing with this crap. I just can't motivate myself to play the game. I see no point in wasting all that energy, time, and resources to just gain a bit of political edge over others in the office. It's so dishonest and self serving and it does little-to-nothing towards helping the company actually do what it is supposed to do.

Ok, rant over. I needed to get that out. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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