
I am not responsible for the social-life and wellbeing of my coworkers.

I work in a small regional office (30-ish employees) and have been working 90% remote for the last 2 years. As the weeks go on, it seems like there is a larger push to get everyone back into the office. Several of the guys I work with reminisce about the “vibrant” social scene of the office pre-covid (I wasn't even involved at this point) and they talk about how “selfish” and “boring” working from home is. ​ Since when the fuck am I responsible for my coworkers social health and wellbeing? I have had the most rich times of my life since being able to work from home. I get my shit done in 8 hours and have 1/3 of my day to do whatever I want! This toxic relationship that some people still have with work absolutely boggles my mind.

I work in a small regional office (30-ish employees) and have been working 90% remote for the last 2 years. As the weeks go on, it seems like there is a larger push to get everyone back into the office. Several of the guys I work with reminisce about the “vibrant” social scene of the office pre-covid (I wasn't even involved at this point) and they talk about how “selfish” and “boring” working from home is.

Since when the fuck am I responsible for my coworkers social health and wellbeing? I have had the most rich times of my life since being able to work from home. I get my shit done in 8 hours and have 1/3 of my day to do whatever I want! This toxic relationship that some people still have with work absolutely boggles my mind.

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