
I got fired by calling out my bosses lies in the work group chat

My (former) boss decided to call me and ask if I (19) can fill 2 shifts this week as someone requested free time on short notice. I assumed it was due to family emergency and said yes. A few hours later our new coworker told us he is leaving as he was told he wasnt needed anymore by the boss. I found this odd as I knew he had shifts this week. I asked my boss if I was filling in for him and he said yes. He told me the guy couldnt make his shifts due to his new job. I thought this was weird so I asked that coworker if what my boss said was true. Our coworker said he never requested time off and his new job starts next monday (his shifts were this thursday and friday) and that the boss just told him he wasn't needed…

My (former) boss decided to call me and ask if I (19) can fill 2 shifts this week as someone requested free time on short notice. I assumed it was due to family emergency and said yes.

A few hours later our new coworker told us he is leaving as he was told he wasnt needed anymore by the boss. I found this odd as I knew he had shifts this week. I asked my boss if I was filling in for him and he said yes. He told me the guy couldnt make his shifts due to his new job. I thought this was weird so I asked that coworker if what my boss said was true.

Our coworker said he never requested time off and his new job starts next monday (his shifts were this thursday and friday) and that the boss just told him he wasn't needed anymore. This upset me, as I make less than that coworker (we all make minimum wage, but it scales with age until you turn 21)

Not only did he steal someone's hours, he also replaced them with the cheapest employee he could. After realising what had happened, I messaged my boss it was not okay to fire someone on the spot and have someone else take over his hours under the impression that it is due to a family emergency. My boss told me to stay in my lane and that I accepted to take the hours.

Then, he proceeded to kick that coworker out of the groupchat and tell the same lie he told me about him not being able to work the hours but that I was kind enough to work his hours and that that coworker should've just said it wasn't going to work out since that would've wasted less time and effort.

I got annoyed by that message and responded “actually I was asked to work those shifts because you told me he had requested time off on short notice but when I asked the coworker he said he never did and you fired them.

This upset my boss and he repsonded “we already talked about this in private and I told you to stay in your lane. You're going out of your lane again. I don't have to justify my decisions to you. I won't allow this. I'm going to eemove you from the roster and I won't be using your services.”

Then he just removed me from the groupchat. Atleast he won't be able to remove my messages so people know how that boss screwed over an employee like that. He also will be severely understaffed now that 2 people are gone and wasn't making profits to begin with. He already fired one of his 3 most valuable employees 2 weeks ago and someone else left about 4 weeks ago. Keep in mind, this is a small restaurant with about 10 employees in total, with 3 of it being the owners and the owners' son.

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