
Who will protect the labor forces (proletariat class) interests?

Over the years it is very uplifting to see the overall growing awareness by society of its class antagonisms (struggles between the laborer and owner). How class struggles, specifically speaking the plight of proletariat, becoming more common knowledge and our communities (especially in the younger generations) demand for significant change such as complete economic/politic restructuring to fit our societies needs compared to simply the interests of the ruling class. We demand affordable living, we demand healthcare, we demand clean energy and public transportation. And every year it feels like these chants get louder and louder. So the question i have for people is if society were to restructure (assuming peaceful for sake of argument) around the the interests of the labor force (aka all of our interests instead of the interests of the ruling class) how can society reorganize, re-educate, redistribute, protect and represent the interests of the labor class…

Over the years it is very uplifting to see the overall growing awareness by society of its class antagonisms (struggles between the laborer and owner). How class struggles, specifically speaking the plight of proletariat, becoming more common knowledge and our communities (especially in the younger generations) demand for significant change such as complete economic/politic restructuring to fit our societies needs compared to simply the interests of the ruling class.

We demand affordable living, we demand healthcare, we demand clean energy and public transportation. And every year it feels like these chants get louder and louder.

So the question i have for people is if society were to restructure (assuming peaceful for sake of argument) around the the interests of the labor force (aka all of our interests instead of the interests of the ruling class) how can society reorganize, re-educate, redistribute, protect and represent the interests of the labor class on a grand scale without the organization of a strong central labor force body. Aka a central government using socialist ideology and dialectical materialism theory?

This was the shortest way i could ask this very complex question. The the reason for the necessary discussions is based on the discrepancies between anarchists and communists ideology creating a more equal society for those who are society (All of us not the 1% who exploit our labor for own wealth/power interests)

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