
is degrading you in the job application process just the normal thing now?

I’m a university student and over the last couple months I’ve been looking for some extra part time work to supplement what i’m not getting from my job in retail (whole other story which is also infuriating). I come across this job description which is by all definitions the most condescending thing I’ve ever read. Some highlights include: -Is dependable (I’m talking about VERY dependable… not the “this usually doesn’t happen, but it happened again” type). I would prefer if you were that person in junior school and got the award when moving onto middle school for perfect attendance in every grade… -Don’t take things personally, have feelings hurt easily or get offended at all. Stay objective and likes to always use logic to make decisions. -(By the way, one of the reasons why I need someone who is so organised and can follow a process is because I’m kind…

I’m a university student and over the last couple months I’ve been looking for some extra part time work to supplement what i’m not getting from my job in retail (whole other story which is also infuriating). I come across this job description which is by all definitions the most condescending thing I’ve ever read. Some highlights include:

-Is dependable (I’m talking about VERY dependable… not the “this usually doesn’t happen, but it happened again” type). I would prefer if you were that person in junior school and got the award when moving onto middle school for perfect attendance in every grade…

-Don’t take things personally, have feelings hurt easily or get offended at all. Stay objective and likes to always use logic to make decisions.

-(By the way, one of the reasons why I need someone who is so organised and can follow a process is because I’m kind of a mess!) If you’re a mess, and you try to convince me that you’re organised and detail orientated, I’ll find out. So don’t even waste your time…lol!

This is for part time customer service online chat work, and in their own words only requires up to four hours every weekday. However the pay is advertised at £15-£20 per hour which I am sure is a lie but for that I was willing to deal with anybody for six months part time. Key word: WAS.

The application process was pretty standard, CV and cover letter until i got an email the next day telling me how they’d been inundated with responses! and that the next round would require you to upload a youtube video of yourself (!) talking about your favourite job and your favourite book and why you want to work there. For 20 hours a week. For a fairly small company which currently only has 7 employees on LinkedIn.

Maybe I’m wrong and maybe this is standard, but to me, for a part time role in basic customer service, literally just following a process when dealing with people, this is humiliating. What happened to phone interviews or real interviews or maybe just actually reading cover letters and CVs? I’m already frustrated with the job market and I’ve barely even entered it.

TLDR: part time basic role wants a youtube video on why I should work for them. Is this just the standard now?

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