
Mass Exodus at Work

If you’ve seen some of my posts (yay), I was underpaid at work by a long margin, and am leaving at the end of next week after receiving an offer for 50% more (yay again) Well, yesterday we had our end of period wrap up. Under my manager alone, I knew I was the fifth person to leave in as many weeks, and at the pub yesterday I found out a sixth person was leaving – for the same reason as the rest of us – basic salary! Got to talking with other colleagues and a manager, only to find out they were leaving as well; this including the 5+ I’m aware of right when I started/before I started, is a grand total of 16 people in a team of about 70 that I’m aware of in a six month period. Many others were voicing their frustrations and understanding. Morale…

If you’ve seen some of my posts (yay), I was underpaid at work by a long margin, and am leaving at the end of next week after receiving an offer for 50% more (yay again)

Well, yesterday we had our end of period wrap up. Under my manager alone, I knew I was the fifth person to leave in as many weeks, and at the pub yesterday I found out a sixth person was leaving – for the same reason as the rest of us – basic salary!

Got to talking with other colleagues and a manager, only to find out they were leaving as well; this including the 5+ I’m aware of right when I started/before I started, is a grand total of 16 people in a team of about 70 that I’m aware of in a six month period.

Many others were voicing their frustrations and understanding. Morale is at all all-time low and us leavers have realised within the next few months there is going to be a mass exodus of senior and experienced talent and corporate are stressed. We know this, because multiple people’s output at work is suffering, and basically everyone like I said…understands the salary is low, and are themselves worried/frustrated at the lack of action being done when we’ve just had our highest-ever earnings year!

It’s wonderful. It’s beautiful. It’s amazing.

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