
Leaders blaming employees

I am mostly here to vent. I work for a retailer in their Live Chat customer service and we are expected to chat with up to three customers at a time. It has always been challenging to manage but recently more duties have been added to my job which have made it harder to balance. The company has not changed our chat concurrency to two or our KPI's despite us literally begging for them to. It's nearly impossible to place orders while trying to assist multiple customers. On top of it, they keep shorting our hours despite us being back to back busy everyday. We also have really bad marketing, website, and system issues we are constantly trying to deal with and work through making our contacts challenging. I've brought up these issues a few times to my supervisor but she keeps blaming us for being unavailable too much which…

I am mostly here to vent. I work for a retailer in their Live Chat customer service and we are expected to chat with up to three customers at a time. It has always been challenging to manage but recently more duties have been added to my job which have made it harder to balance. The company has not changed our chat concurrency to two or our KPI's despite us literally begging for them to. It's nearly impossible to place orders while trying to assist multiple customers. On top of it, they keep shorting our hours despite us being back to back busy everyday. We also have really bad marketing, website, and system issues we are constantly trying to deal with and work through making our contacts challenging.

I've brought up these issues a few times to my supervisor but she keeps blaming us for being unavailable too much which is apparentally causing us to “feel” busy when we're not. It's really left a sour taste in my mouth along with my coworkers whom have told me they have been looking for other employment. I have been to. We bust our asses in this department with little appreciation and get thrown all this toxic positivity about how we just have give it time to adapt to the changes.

I've worked for this company for seven years. Loyalty and hard work does not matter to these corporations and businesses.

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