
“If you got time to lean then you got time to clean” nah, I’m a proud bare minimal worker.

Thought I was done with dq earlier this week but assistant manager asked if I could come in last night as a few people called out as always. I’m like sure. Get in and it’s me and my co worker, he’s pretty fast, does what he’s told. Also had his gloves ripped off and freaked out on by the owners son a few weeks ago for making a mistake. Dude definitely gets stepped on pretty hard by management. Anyways, it’s a little busy , Friday night, do my thing, make ice cream, shakes whatever. New guy comes in, works in our area. He can’t do much other then blend and learn. We all leaning around and talking, I tell my co how I’m loving my new job. I just chill on my phone and probably helped 5 customers in 4 hours. New guy asks how I like dq I laugh…

Thought I was done with dq earlier this week but assistant manager asked if I could come in last night as a few people called out as always. I’m like sure. Get in and it’s me and my co worker, he’s pretty fast, does what he’s told. Also had his gloves ripped off and freaked out on by the owners son a few weeks ago for making a mistake. Dude definitely gets stepped on pretty hard by management.

Anyways, it’s a little busy , Friday night, do my thing, make ice cream, shakes whatever. New guy comes in, works in our area. He can’t do much other then blend and learn. We all leaning around and talking, I tell my co how I’m loving my new job. I just chill on my phone and probably helped 5 customers in 4 hours. New guy asks how I like dq I laugh and say it’s horrible and I’m just filling in. The district manager comes to us, I mean he’s a chill guy, but he’s gotta tout the owners word. “You guys aren’t paid to be leaning during slow times, there’s other things you could be doing , cleaning , restocking.” I just ignore him there wasn’t much of a mess, and nothing really needed restocking. My co goes “I could be walking around here with the rag and wiping down something over and over and you wouldn’t notice or care just so long as I’m looking like I’m cleaning”. Dm didn’t say anything.

Co whispers he knows it’s true they just want to see you doing something even if it isn’t needed to be done. It gets pretty busy over the next few hours. If I need a breather, I’m not going to lean around I’ll just walk to the bathroom, don’t care how busy it is. My co is a hard worker, he do be complaining a lot. But the harder he works the more they want him to do. He brought back a few bags of ice cream, then is asked to do a couple other things right after. Mid rush by the way. I was kind of surprised I wasn’t asked to do much of anything, other then make ice cream and refill Oreos, which I don’t mind snacking during refilling.

He’s a good worker for them, but being a good worker there just means your reward is more work/tasks. The girl who trained me was the same. Hard worker but would always complain to me that she’s the only one who gets told what to do and is expected to do everything.

As we’re closing he said “I think you did your part as the fill in, you don’t really got much left to restock or clean”. He’s right, the district manager cleaned my area for me. I told my co I did a good job at doing the bare minimal tonight. He goes “you know what a lot of people see you do the bare minimal and they start wanting to do the bare minimal too.”

I wished him luck, hopefully he gets a raise as back on Monday he was saying how he got the $1 raise he was asking for. But then I told him how minimum wage goes up $1 on July 1st so you were going to get that anyways, and to ask for a more appropriate raise.

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