
The time has come

I think it is time to start something. This may not be a popular post, but idc. I want to do something to make a real difference. Why? Because if other people who don’t know how to text, still have dial up, and don’t understand or even care to understand technological advances can make the choices that affect how WE live based in their own values that don’t match the majority of ours, then why can’t we?! This is not about the Roe v Wade discussion, or the school shootings, or any other singular event, but all of them together….I mean it’s embarrassing and not even adequate enough to be called inadequate. Do you think any change has been made by just asking them to change?! No. What does a union do, they strike, they take the appropriate measures without resorting to violence(usually). I for one am so fucking sick…

I think it is time to start something. This may not be a popular post, but idc. I want to do something to make a real difference. Why? Because if other people who don’t know how to text, still have dial up, and don’t understand or even care to understand technological advances can make the choices that affect how WE live based in their own values that don’t match the majority of ours, then why can’t we?!
This is not about the Roe v Wade discussion, or the school shootings, or any other singular event, but all of them together….I mean it’s embarrassing and not even adequate enough to be called inadequate. Do you think any change has been made by just asking them to change?! No.

What does a union do, they strike, they take the appropriate measures without resorting to violence(usually).
I for one am so fucking sick and tired of hearing all about the shit that’s happening and then people not providing actual and possible solutions. I don’t want to live in a country that allows dinosaurs to make the rules for us when a meteor is in a path for collision. I think we need to find a way to hit them where it hurts.

Here are my thoughts but I’m not sure the best way we can make it happen but it’s obvious to me that almost every single one of the current politicians, justices and anyone else who has raised a helluva lot of money to get in office need to all be removed. We need to truly represent the people so here we go:
1. Remove all politicians and make social media the only way to campaign.
2. No negative campaigning cuz that shits all bs anyway
3 remove age restrictions currently existing and make all of them 18+
4. Make drinking age 18, driving age 16
5. Make all drugs legal(hell, why not but I can take it or leave it)
6. All politicians must have a full time job and they do not receive any monetary benefits to being in office
7. Elections every 3 years, make all politicians sit for a performance review every 6 months and remove the time in office restrictions

In order to accomplish this, we all need to join together and figure out what will hurt them the most, I need help with ideas because I want to start a revolution. All I can think of is a commerce walkout. If we all just stopped all purchasing for a week, we saw how much the gov got hurt. They didn’t pay Americans money during lockdown to help us, they gave it to us because they want to make money and the only way to make money is to have us spending money. They literally just paid themselves to give us money. That’s messed up. Will it hurt small local businesses? Yes. We can help them by collectively donating to them or only purchasing their hand/homemade items. These government grants go to big companies that don’t need it. Let’s stop the government And politicians from paying themselves to pay themselves. Please comment any response or ideas. Please help me help us help everyone

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