Today, my company released a “drugs in the workplace” agreement, in which they are (legally in my state) telling me i can not come to work, or while at work be under the influence of legally prescribed medical marijuana. I suffer with arthritis IN MY SPINE, as well as bulging/slipping discs. There are days i can not stand upright without my medication, yet these ass-hats expect me to work a 10 hour shift without it. I am told “You don't have anything to worry about.” This notice is sent out because of what others on my shift are doing. I had quit this job almost 2 years ago, THEN got my prescription…AnD ThEn… was asked to return. Upon my “RE”hire, the unit manager and i agreed, I would not use inhalation modality (smoking/vaping) while at work as our customer base is extremely conservative and would not/lack the intellect to… understand why an employee is “getting high” (Taking my legally prescribed medication) at work. As i prefer not to smell like pot while at work this seemed a reasonable compromise. The wording of the “agreement” that has been handed down is such that it excludes ALL modalities. Because FL is a fucking shit hole the law is on their side in this…With the caveat that “accommodations were made upon my hiring” That might/might/might protect me so long as i refuse to sign the new “agreement”. I might be loosing my job soon…I've spent 10 of the last 20 years at this place…I don't want to find another job (although i know it would likely mean an increase in pay if i did) I like what i do, and don't HATE the people i do it with…I just needed to vent about how fucked up it is that this location has people completely blown out on prescribed narcotics, yet i am expected to suffer, because i can't take those prescriptions, and the redneck shithole i work for spent $150,000 to help people like Marjorie Taylor Green buy positions of power. I will NOT be signing the new “agreement” and it will most likely end with my termination. It's gonna be ok though…the “other” all night diners are hiring. Thank you all for reading my after work venting session.
P.S. Fuck Waffle House