
Fight with your money too! Bankrupt the shorts. Short squeeze AGRX.

I want to chime in from ape world. There is something else people can do to fight this attack on women's rights. It's called a short squeeze. Theres a company called Agile Therapeutics, ticker is AGRX. They make a low-estrogen contraceptive patch called Twirla. The company is heavily shorted, which means hedge funds and other finance people are betting the stock price will fall. The objective being to bankrupt the company and profit on the downfall. Now, the stock is cheap ($1.15) and the company only has 4.54 million shares outstanding (low float). If people were to start buying the stock, holding the stock, and ideally direct registering the stock (holding it in your name instead of street name) this could trigger what is called a short squeeze. As the price starts to rise, those who bet against the stock start losing money and have to buy back the shares…

I want to chime in from ape world. There is something else people can do to fight this attack on women's rights. It's called a short squeeze.

Theres a company called Agile Therapeutics, ticker is AGRX. They make a low-estrogen contraceptive patch called Twirla.

The company is heavily shorted, which means hedge funds and other finance people are betting the stock price will fall. The objective being to bankrupt the company and profit on the downfall.

Now, the stock is cheap ($1.15) and the company only has 4.54 million shares outstanding (low float). If people were to start buying the stock, holding the stock, and ideally direct registering the stock (holding it in your name instead of street name) this could trigger what is called a short squeeze.

As the price starts to rise, those who bet against the stock start losing money and have to buy back the shares they borrowed. This continues to increase the price which causes a cascading effect for the shorts to exit their position before the price gets too high and THEY risk going bankrupt. BUT if everyone HOLDS their shares, and doesn't sell, the holders can literally name their own price.

A short position carries INFINITE RISK, and a short squeeze has the potential to bankrupt the slimey people who bet against accessible contraception and women's rights. THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO HIT THEM WHERE IT HURTS: their wallets.

Politics works… sometimes… but MONEY TALKS LOUDER and HITS HARDER.

Not financial advice, just a bold idea.

A few additional disclosures:

  • The transfer agent for AGRX is Broadridge.
  • I do own a small position in AGRX, with ~80% directly registered, and I plan to add more.
  • Investing is risky. I encourage you to do some research. Don't invest what you can't afford to lose.
  • Are there some legitimate reasons to bet against AGRX? Sure. The company is not currently profitable and its financials aren't great. The company only has one product currently on the market (with a few more in the pipeline). However, leadership is strong and has even waived their bonuses to support the company. Twirla also builds off the success of Ortho Evra and even shares some team members. Agile Therapeutics has been around since 1997.
  • Lastly, ape research has shown strong evidence of heavy fuckery in the stock market. Brokers cannot be trusted, market makers cannot be trusted, hedge funds cannot be trusted. I strongly encourage direct registration to remove YOUR shares from DTC fuckery, but do you, this is not financial advice, I'm just a stranger on the internet.

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