
Walmart anti union stance

I remember when I worked for Walmart, back in 2014/2015 we all had to watch a video during induction on why we shouldn’t join the union. Right after doing a course on micro aggressions…ironic I thought it was a bit strange at the time but following developments on here and elsewhere it is obviously less surprising. Just wondering if Walmart is still like this? I’m back living in the U.K. now (long story), but just wondering.

I remember when I worked for Walmart, back in 2014/2015 we all had to watch a video during induction on why we shouldn’t join the union. Right after doing a course on micro aggressions…ironic I thought it was a bit strange at the time but following developments on here and elsewhere it is obviously less surprising. Just wondering if Walmart is still like this? I’m back living in the U.K. now (long story), but just wondering.

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