
a 6 hour shift for five days should not be considered part time

I understand that legally its part time. but its so insane. So the job says 10-4 shift workers are still basically tied to the job. The shift is such an awkward time and you can't commit to a second job. My guess this is no accident. What's the point in losing the two hours from the front and back when nothing is really open? Shops don't open early. I guess there's extra sleep time. And less stress going home in the dark. But come on. part time asking you to commit five days a week still doesn't seem that part time to me. Of course I don't take jobs like that because I'm not that desperate. But I feel sorry for whoever. Sorry if wrong sub. But I feel these type of hours are garbage.

I understand that legally its part time. but its so insane.
So the job says 10-4 shift workers are still basically tied to the job. The shift is such an awkward time and you can't commit to a second job. My guess this is no accident.

What's the point in losing the two hours from the front and back when nothing is really open? Shops don't open early. I guess there's extra sleep time. And less stress going home in the dark. But come on. part time asking you to commit five days a week still doesn't seem that part time to me.

Of course I don't take jobs like that because I'm not that desperate. But I feel sorry for whoever.

Sorry if wrong sub. But I feel these type of hours are garbage.

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