
A call-out isn’t a negotiation

I had to call out of work today. A few years ago I was permanently injured in a Vespa/Jeep collision (guess which one I was driving) and, while I can walk, one of my legs is weak and painful. I mean literally always painful. A couple weeks ago, I somehow strained or otherwise damaged a muscle on top of one of the metal plates in that leg. Cue the agony, which was barely helped by ibuprofen and ice/heat. Whatever, I have a high pain tolerance, I worked anyways – I can't afford to take time off. It started to get better and then our weather turned to shit and the pain was back, worse than before. I had to call out this morning because I literally couldn't put weight on my leg, and my job is all standing on cement floors. My manager did what he always does and tried…

I had to call out of work today. A few years ago I was permanently injured in a Vespa/Jeep collision (guess which one I was driving) and, while I can walk, one of my legs is weak and painful. I mean literally always painful. A couple weeks ago, I somehow strained or otherwise damaged a muscle on top of one of the metal plates in that leg. Cue the agony, which was barely helped by ibuprofen and ice/heat. Whatever, I have a high pain tolerance, I worked anyways – I can't afford to take time off.

It started to get better and then our weather turned to shit and the pain was back, worse than before. I had to call out this morning because I literally couldn't put weight on my leg, and my job is all standing on cement floors.

My manager did what he always does and tried to negotiate. “We really need you in today. If we get you parking close to the building, can you sit on a stool and cashier?” No, I can't, because I live up two flights of stairs and could barely walk ten feet from my bed to the bathroom. I can't make it to my car, let alone drive to work with what feels like a knife in my leg.

The worst thing is, he knows calling out is my last resort. I only do it when it's a necessity because I need the money. My first priority when the collision happened was calling work to let them know I wouldn't make it in – despite being in shock and literally bleeding out in the ambulance. He KNOWS THIS. Just let people call out when they need to call out!

He caved when I told him (the second time) that I couldn't walk, so I'm at home icing my leg and using my crutches to keep weight off it. I have two 13 hour shifts tomorrow and the next day, so I need to get my leg as functional as possible today. But I'm furious because I shouldn't have to fight so hard just to have a day of rest when I'm at my pain limit.

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