
A Christmas Miracle!

So yesterday, the restaurant I work at had to close because of ventilation problems in the kitchen. The place flooded with carbon monoxide, and one of my coworkers was smart enough to call the fire department, who promptly ordered everyone out of the affected areas. No kitchen = restaurant closed. I'll admit, I was bummed about missing out on the night's money, but I had forgotten how nice it is to just relax and celebrate the holidays. Most of my coworkers and I met up and celebrated our “Christmas Miracle!” Still waiting for word on today….

So yesterday, the restaurant I work at had to close because of ventilation problems in the kitchen. The place flooded with carbon monoxide, and one of my coworkers was smart enough to call the fire department, who promptly ordered everyone out of the affected areas. No kitchen = restaurant closed. I'll admit, I was bummed about missing out on the night's money, but I had forgotten how nice it is to just relax and celebrate the holidays. Most of my coworkers and I met up and celebrated our “Christmas Miracle!” Still waiting for word on today….

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