
A co-worker of mine was laid off the day after I put in my two weeks.

I like my job but it just doesn’t pay enough. I got confirmation of a job offer and starting date at a better company then immediately put in my two weeks yesterday. I come in today to find a co-worker of mine was laid off without warning this morning to “save the company money”, despite this company making millions a year and paying us peanuts. Upper management knew about this a week prior to my resignation and I can’t help but feel guilty. If I had given my resignation earlier, maybe I would have been considered enough downsize and my coworker could have kept her job. Even if company’s gave more notice of an incoming lay off than the morning of, it could have worked out. I lost all motivation to finish out my two weeks because of the blatant disrespect these company’s have for their workers.

I like my job but it just doesn’t pay enough. I got confirmation of a job offer and starting date at a better company then immediately put in my two weeks yesterday. I come in today to find a co-worker of mine was laid off without warning this morning to “save the company money”, despite this company making millions a year and paying us peanuts.

Upper management knew about this a week prior to my resignation and I can’t help but feel guilty. If I had given my resignation earlier, maybe I would have been considered enough downsize and my coworker could have kept her job. Even if company’s gave more notice of an incoming lay off than the morning of, it could have worked out. I lost all motivation to finish out my two weeks because of the blatant disrespect these company’s have for their workers.

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