
A holiday treat for you. A true story of the long term effects of cheap labor over quality labor.

Twas the night before Xmas, and all thru the company, evenone was working, the consultants especially. The large company grew larger, buying up the competition, and with it came dozens of data server integrations. We'll spend $20 million to get to 1 system, the execs said with a glee. Our preferred vendor contracts can get us warm bodies for $20/hr overseas. We will save 5 million in labor fees! And so it began with a 2 year deadline. The youngsters arrived with thier H1B Visa's signed. They made spreadsheets and programs, project plans and slideshows. They coded programs and web pages, HTML and macros. 5 years later and the project isn't done. Those workers had no practical experience to draw from. Now it's time to go home, their visas' expired. The firm that expoited their labor ready to retire. And what happened to the company that refused to get experts?…

Twas the night before Xmas, and all thru the company, evenone was working, the consultants especially. The large company grew larger, buying up the competition, and with it came dozens of data server integrations.

We'll spend $20 million to get to 1 system, the execs said with a glee. Our preferred vendor contracts can get us warm bodies for $20/hr overseas. We will save 5 million in labor fees!

And so it began with a 2 year deadline. The youngsters arrived with thier H1B Visa's signed. They made spreadsheets and programs, project plans and slideshows. They coded programs and web pages, HTML and macros.

5 years later and the project isn't done. Those workers had no practical experience to draw from. Now it's time to go home, their visas' expired. The firm that expoited their labor ready to retire. And what happened to the company that refused to get experts? They learned that you get what you pay for, and boy does it hurt.

5 years later and its still ongoing. The cost currently at $225 million and growing. So much was broken, they lost their biggest client. A one BILLION dollar annual sales giant. The 5 million saved by finding cheap labor, was lost and multiplied 200 times over.

The moral of this xmas tale is quite clear. Hire your local S.M.E.'s and end your projects with cheer !!

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