
A job where I literally do nothing and make bank. It exists and YOU could get one too.

I work 56 hours a week, with three days off a week. Those 16 hours overtime are spent sleeping in my own room at work. The other 35 out of the remaining 40 hours are spent playing videogames, watching Netflix or doing homework. The other 5 are spent taking care of the 4 autistic seniors that live in the house. They're pretty self sufficient so they don't need me too much. It's a nonprofit so benefits are awesome. Health, dental, and eye insurance. Start out with 1.5 months of vacation time a year. I make 60k a year to literally sleep and sit on my ass. I make 20k more than most CNA's (the nurse assistants who work in nursing homes). I don't do half the work, and I didn't even need an education or certification or anything to get it. These nonprofit houses exist in lots of towns across…

I work 56 hours a week, with three days off a week. Those 16 hours overtime are spent sleeping in my own room at work. The other 35 out of the remaining 40 hours are spent playing videogames, watching Netflix or doing homework. The other 5 are spent taking care of the 4 autistic seniors that live in the house. They're pretty self sufficient so they don't need me too much.

It's a nonprofit so benefits are awesome. Health, dental, and eye insurance. Start out with 1.5 months of vacation time a year.

I make 60k a year to literally sleep and sit on my ass. I make 20k more than most CNA's (the nurse assistants who work in nursing homes). I don't do half the work, and I didn't even need an education or certification or anything to get it.

These nonprofit houses exist in lots of towns across America. Just gotta know where to look.

This is the job I always wanted. Paid to do nothing. And this sub helped me to keep the faith that it could exist.

Edit. I also get free food and can do laundry for free too.

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