
A little rant.

I just need to get something off my chest, I work at a tire shop in a small town in Idaho and live only been here two weeks. I work with very few people and we are on the lube side of the building, the work is super easy because we just clean but we don't particularly detail anything just clean. For the most part I do my job but today they they started to threaten to fire me if I don't stop the cars from looking like shit (which BTW isn't even always my fault) I've been working along side a 13yr old girl who has trouble focusing on the work not to mention she was forced to work here because she's grounded and to make it worse she's not being paid. All day today she kept missing simple things like dust on the dashboards or simply wiping the…

I just need to get something off my chest, I work at a tire shop in a small town in Idaho and live only been here two weeks. I work with very few people and we are on the lube side of the building, the work is super easy because we just clean but we don't particularly detail anything just clean. For the most part I do my job but today they they started to threaten to fire me if I don't stop the cars from looking like shit (which BTW isn't even always my fault) I've been working along side a 13yr old girl who has trouble focusing on the work not to mention she was forced to work here because she's grounded and to make it worse she's not being paid. All day today she kept missing simple things like dust on the dashboards or simply wiping the windows down. Only mistake today was some shit underneath some floor mats. Fastforward to the end of the day and I get blamed for the cars looking like ass and being slow on everything when pretty much everyone else had done made mistakes too. My job was literally just vacuuming and cleaning the mats and for the most part I was doing well. I feel like I'm being singled out and berated over some dumb shit that they treat like it's a life or death scenario. Some cars take longer because they are dirtier than fuck and I just want to make sure I haven't missed anything, but they turn around and say I'm too slow but when I go faster they say I'm missing shit? What the fuck? I'm sick of changing jobs, when I first started I was hoping I would last but now I feel like my job is on the line everyday. I'm so tired of working for assholes.

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