
A man almost died on my shift due to unsafe conditions, and the boss told us to keep working anyway

I work for a shipping company at the nearby airport. On Wednesday, we had one of the worst snow storms of the year (for my part of Canada). There was frozen rain, hail, and winds reaching nearly 30Km/H. The high winds blew a 1200 pound can off the loader and nearly crushed a man. Had he not been looking up at the time, he would be dead. The maintenance crew told the supervisors it was too dangerous to open the doors of the plane, but they had us do it anyway. Just another reminder that to them, you're nothing but another tool to be replaced once you're gone.

I work for a shipping company at the nearby airport. On Wednesday, we had one of the worst snow storms of the year (for my part of Canada). There was frozen rain, hail, and winds reaching nearly 30Km/H.

The high winds blew a 1200 pound can off the loader and nearly crushed a man. Had he not been looking up at the time, he would be dead.

The maintenance crew told the supervisors it was too dangerous to open the doors of the plane, but they had us do it anyway.

Just another reminder that to them, you're nothing but another tool to be replaced once you're gone.

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