
a managers job

To any and all supervisors and managers, y'all need to remember what your job is vs what an associate's job is. It is your job to find someone to cover a call outs shift, not the person calling out. It is your job to open and close the store, not your associates. If the store must be cleaned or restocked at the end of a shift for the night crew, then either designate this job to two people about a half hour before end of shift or do it yourself and send your crew home. Their schedule most likely states 8 AM to 4 PM, not 8 AM till whenever I say leave. Your pay is greater than a basic associate for a reason, you are also manager for a reason. If you cannot complete these task then step down and pass the position on to someone who can. And…

To any and all supervisors and managers, y'all need to remember what your job is vs what an associate's job is. It is your job to find someone to cover a call outs shift, not the person calling out. It is your job to open and close the store, not your associates. If the store must be cleaned or restocked at the end of a shift for the night crew, then either designate this job to two people about a half hour before end of shift or do it yourself and send your crew home. Their schedule most likely states 8 AM to 4 PM, not 8 AM till whenever I say leave. Your pay is greater than a basic associate for a reason, you are also manager for a reason. If you cannot complete these task then step down and pass the position on to someone who can. And to any and all associates, if your supervisor or manager asks for any these tasks to be done then please make sure you are properly compensated. Sourcing your someone to cover your shift is most definitely not part of your job description, especially since you have to use your own phone number to make business calls to find said cover. Everyone needs to remember their position in the workforce

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