
A quick story about an absolutely useless HR person

I used to work in hospitality, and the first hotel I worked at had an HR lady who had been there since they opened. She would take the side of the company 100% of the time. She also didn't really do much of anything besides eat in the hotel restaurant for free (without tipping, of course), and sit in her office. We'll call her Samantha. So, about 4 months after I started this job, they started cutting everyone's hours, which I understand is sometimes necessary, but this was right before the holidays. Also, I had originally interviewed with a different department manager, not Samantha, and they had guaranteed me at least 35 hours a week (I turned down like 6 other jobs for this place, and that was something discussed in my interview). So, naturally, I go to Samantha's office and let her know that I've only been getting 20…

I used to work in hospitality, and the first hotel I worked at had an HR lady who had been there since they opened. She would take the side of the company 100% of the time. She also didn't really do much of anything besides eat in the hotel restaurant for free (without tipping, of course), and sit in her office. We'll call her Samantha. So, about 4 months after I started this job, they started cutting everyone's hours, which I understand is sometimes necessary, but this was right before the holidays. Also, I had originally interviewed with a different department manager, not Samantha, and they had guaranteed me at least 35 hours a week (I turned down like 6 other jobs for this place, and that was something discussed in my interview). So, naturally, I go to Samantha's office and let her know that I've only been getting 20 hours a week for the last 3 or 4 weeks. She calls in my manager so we can all discuss. Samantha says “Well, first off, we don't guarantee certain hours for any associates. Also, I remember in your initial interview-” So I said “Samantha, sorry to interrupt, but I'm going to stop you right there. First off, the holidays are coming up and I'm barely going to be able to pay my bills this month. Also, I didn't meet you until I had already worked here for a full month.” She looked embarrassed, said she would look into it, and the next week I was back on the schedule for 35 hours.

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