
A rant about work attendance

I’ve been working in a preschool classroom since September 2022. I have missed probably around 14 days. Days missed have been due to illness, which I know is typical when you’re working with young children for the first time IYKYK!… I also have asthma and environmental allergies which exacerbate any symptoms I have. Hours I miss I must make up by the way, no matter the circumstance. Today my supervisor said this in an email where she asked to schedule a meeting; “I am emailing you because I am not sure if you are planning to apply for next year. I know one of the struggles this year has been attendance. I want to meet with you and discuss what that means for next year.“ WHATS THE GAME PLAN HERE?! All I can do is continue with making up hours and hope I’m caught up by June (end of the…

I’ve been working in a preschool classroom since September 2022. I have missed probably around 14 days. Days missed have been due to illness, which I know is typical when you’re working with young children for the first time IYKYK!… I also have asthma and environmental allergies which exacerbate any symptoms I have. Hours I miss I must make up by the way, no matter the circumstance. Today my supervisor said this in an email where she asked to schedule a meeting; “I am emailing you because I am not sure if you are planning to apply for next year. I know one of the struggles this year has been attendance. I want to meet with you and discuss what that means for next year.“ WHATS THE GAME PLAN HERE?! All I can do is continue with making up hours and hope I’m caught up by June (end of the school year.) All I can do is keep masking and washing my hands. All I can do is go to work when I’m not sick enough. Why must we have a meeting as if change is to be made when I can’t change anything. I actually feel less stressed abt things after ranting. All I’ll do during the meet is restate what is already widely known and say I’m doing my job when I can…. It’s not my struggle it’s theirs. The struggle is accepting that this is real life

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