
A recent Domino’s thread had me actually run the numbers on record profits as stolen wages

So there was a thread yesterday where a domino’s employee was called ungrateful because their shift meal options were cut in half with a snarky note from management. BuT tHEy sTILl gEt a fREe PiZza! what they really need is not starvation wages so I’m going to show how much profit a domino’s franchise generates that could be going to the workers actually doing the work. Dominoes franchise owners, that don’t even need to work at their locations, just OWN it, make an average of 100k-300k per year per franchise depending on location. On TOP of that they pay dominoes inc fees for the privilege of using their name/recipes/distribution/etc. Dominoes inc made a 1.4 BILLION dollar PROFIT in 2019. There were about 6,000 stores in 2019, so that means dominoes inc made an additional 233k profit per store per year. That’s around $400,000 in profits generated per store by the…

So there was a thread yesterday where a domino’s employee was called ungrateful because their shift meal options were cut in half with a snarky note from management. BuT tHEy sTILl gEt a fREe PiZza! what they really need is not starvation wages so I’m going to show how much profit a domino’s franchise generates that could be going to the workers actually doing the work.

Dominoes franchise owners, that don’t even need to work at their locations, just OWN it, make an average of 100k-300k per year per franchise depending on location.

On TOP of that they pay dominoes inc fees for the privilege of using their name/recipes/distribution/etc. Dominoes inc made a 1.4 BILLION dollar PROFIT in 2019. There were about 6,000 stores in 2019, so that means dominoes inc made an additional 233k profit per store per year.

That’s around $400,000 in profits generated per store by the workers that is stolen by the owner class in the form of profits.

The low paid workers could easily be making 20k+ more each per year putting them more in line with manager salaries but they push their wages down to starvation wages so that they can maximize their own profits. This is peak capitalism and why we need a socialist revolution so the actual WORKERS can reap the benefits of their work (and have real power to make decisions and not be exploited).

And these workers are the ones working their ass off every day to actually MAKE (and deliver) your pizzas. Many of them make less than $10/hour. Owner class doesn’t do anything except take the money that should be going to them. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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