
A small story about when I was working for a company owned by an extremely bigger more huge company started by a man who is extremely rich

This particular location was in a very poverty stricken area, I know for a fact that it’s not like other locations because of the city it’s in, the other ones are WAY nicer and have WAY more $$$, that’s just a little context to how corporate ended up in the store this day, and they are going around asking questions to employees “how do you like it, are there any problems?” Type things. But this corporate guy starts talking to me and tells me nobody is doing these monthly survey things for the store and so they don’t know anything about our store and that it’s doing terrible. And he said this was a major red flag for us “unionizing” and almost whispered when he said that. And so they are there trying to stop something that would never happen because no one in that store probably knew or cared…

This particular location was in a very poverty stricken area, I know for a fact that it’s not like other locations because of the city it’s in, the other ones are WAY nicer and have WAY more $$$, that’s just a little context to how corporate ended up in the store this day, and they are going around asking questions to employees “how do you like it, are there any problems?” Type things. But this corporate guy starts talking to me and tells me nobody is doing these monthly survey things for the store and so they don’t know anything about our store and that it’s doing terrible. And he said this was a major red flag for us “unionizing” and almost whispered when he said that. And so they are there trying to stop something that would never happen because no one in that store probably knew or cared what a union was. But it has had me thinking what if people forced a union on them ? Is that even possible? Needless to say they were worried about it

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