
a song i wrote as a teenager

Lands of the free, Lands of hypocrisy, The parasites suck As hard as they can, Leeching the life Of every man. I want your soul and life Today, No choice but to do what I say. Lands of the free, Home of the brave, Lands of misery, Home of the slave. Give it another chance, Watch our leaders dance. Kneel before an ideal, In reality, it's gone, Just another way to steal, Just another way that's wrong. I won't live your way, The more you tax, The less I'll pay. Stab our backs, Bleed our souls, To feed the fires Of your forced control. Lands of opportunity, Lands of disparity, a few will thrive While the masses struggle to survive, The world is carved, While the rest of us starve.We're told to pull ourselves up, But the deck is stacked against us, A never-ending cycle of oppression, That we must…

Lands of the free,
Lands of hypocrisy,
The parasites suck As hard as they can, Leeching the life Of every man.

I want your soul and life Today, No choice but to do what I say.

Lands of the free,
Home of the brave,
Lands of misery,
Home of the slave.
Give it another chance, Watch our leaders dance.

Kneel before an ideal,
In reality, it's gone,
Just another way to steal,
Just another way that's wrong.

I won't live your way,
The more you tax,
The less I'll pay.
Stab our backs,
Bleed our souls,
To feed the fires
Of your forced control.

Lands of opportunity, Lands of disparity,
a few will thrive
While the masses struggle to survive,
The world is carved, While the rest of us starve.We're told to pull ourselves up,
But the deck is stacked against us,
A never-ending cycle of oppression,
That we must rise above.

Lands of the free,
Lands of misery,
Where the rich get richer,
And the rest of us get poorer. We're told to work hard
and play by the rules, while we line the pockets
of greedy selfish fools, A rigged race of rats
fighting through the pack,its time we band together,its time we all attack

I rewrote alot of this from memory from over 20 years ago and i know the form is sloppy but it didnt paste well from the app i wrote it in with smaller margins and larger fonts but it seems to fit the theme here tell me what you think?

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