
A story that I’ve held on to for a long time now

Two things before the story This is just my pov/experience I was unsure where I could share this story so I really hope it's ok here Just kidding 3 things. I got my nails done recently for the first time in over a year and I'm finding it's a little hard to type so sorry for typos. Ok on to the story. So I (32F) used to work in Los Angeles for my dream company and had thoughts of grandeur for a future position I was absolutely in love with. Spoiler: it wasn't meant to be. After a year I was let go (which was my fault due to too many tardies and I underestimated traffic) and I was heartbroken. I thought I'd work here until either I retired or opened my own business someday and worked til death. I quickly had to find something else so I could continue…

Two things before the story

  1. This is just my pov/experience
  2. I was unsure where I could share this story so I really hope it's ok here
  3. Just kidding 3 things. I got my nails done recently for the first time in over a year and I'm finding it's a little hard to type so sorry for typos.

Ok on to the story.

So I (32F) used to work in Los Angeles for my dream company and had thoughts of grandeur for a future position I was absolutely in love with. Spoiler: it wasn't meant to be. After a year I was let go (which was my fault due to too many tardies and I underestimated traffic) and I was heartbroken. I thought I'd work here until either I retired or opened my own business someday and worked til death. I quickly had to find something else so I could continue paying rent.

The things that upset me come next in this retelling. Right before being let go, I had traveled up to San Fran to throw a celebration for an addition to my family. The job I worked at was a small team and it was literally our job to be excited about celebrations, so I was slightly disappointed that my team wasn't excited for me. I'll never forget the one thing my manager said to try to help: I told everyone it was a boy and she said oh that makes you an uncle, and I laughed. I wouldn't let them bring me down so I went and when I came back I was there for maybe a day or two before they fired me. I basically left to have fun for once and came back to my life crashing down (at least that's what it felt like).

I didn't bother saying goodbye to my coworkers. I knew they didn't like me. Of course it's not required to like each other at work, but they would turn around and tell my management I never tried to be friends with them. Please note reader that I tried to start conversations every day or even possibly join one or two they were having, just to be ignored or talked over. Sometimes they'd even walk away from me while I was talking to them, just to go talk to each other instead. It was extremely upsetting and when I brought it up to management they chose to believe the others because 1 against 3 right? It got to a point where I questioned if I even belonged there and I started looking for a new job before I got fired.

Let's not forget the day one of my coworkers tried to accuse me of saying something rude to her. Now like I said this is just my pov so maybe she took something I said rudely after all, we'll never know. She talked to my manager who then called me in to talk about the issue and I tried to be as open as possible to her view. I asked her what I said that was rude so I could make sure not to say it again or anything but she couldn't think of anything (maybe she was nervous on the spot), and we ended it with me saying I'd try to think more about words/meanings.

Towards the end of my time here, this other girl was quietly promoted into the spot I wanted. I tried to be happy for her since it's a great position to be in. I was a bit unhappy that my manager didn't have a talk with me about it or anything since she knew I wanted it so badly. That sounds childish but it was hurtful af.

I really loved my job, probably more than any other I've had (besides one that was SF-local only). It still makes me sad to think about, and I've held on to these feelings for a long time. I've wanted to reach out to my old manager about this but don't know how to reach her since I'm pretty sure she doesn't work there anymore. I was hoping if I posted it here and vented about it that would help, so we'll see. I'll come back and add more if I remember other things that happened.

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