
A Tale of Two Jobs

Hello everyone! I have a tale of 2 jobs. I currently work part time at two different theatre companies doing front of house things. We shall call them Job 1 and Job 2. Job 1 is a non profit and I get $14 an hour. Job 2 is a for-profit, however they are just starting up again “post covid”. Job 2 pays me $20-23 an hour depending on what role I am doing that night (bartender, front of house, or house manager). Bartenders also get tips. I have worked Job 1 since technically February 2020, however there was a short break when they were shut down due to Covid. I have had a total of two raises, and the second one my boss had to FIGHT for us to get as hazard pay for the HORRIBLE customers we have had to deal with regarding COVID policies. Job 2 I have…

Hello everyone! I have a tale of 2 jobs. I currently work part time at two different theatre companies doing front of house things. We shall call them Job 1 and Job 2. Job 1 is a non profit and I get $14 an hour. Job 2 is a for-profit, however they are just starting up again “post covid”. Job 2 pays me $20-23 an hour depending on what role I am doing that night (bartender, front of house, or house manager). Bartenders also get tips.

I have worked Job 1 since technically February 2020, however there was a short break when they were shut down due to Covid. I have had a total of two raises, and the second one my boss had to FIGHT for us to get as hazard pay for the HORRIBLE customers we have had to deal with regarding COVID policies. Job 2 I have worked at for about a month. I have heard that they like to give raises frequently.

When shows are cancelled due to Covid, Job 1 wishes us luck and we don't get paid. Job 2, however, we are paid at least partially, if not fully for the hours we would have worked. I also just received a $250 bonus from Job 2 due to the end of the fiscal year.

More workplaces need to be like Job 2. At Job 2 I feel appreciated and I actually WANT to work there. Job 1 I am on the verge of quitting/will quit as soon as Job 2 opens up more.

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