
A true Manager…

My point is that I'd like to show you what a manager should be like: Due to a worker attempting to make me do their job (that I'm unable to do), and making me feel like a PoS about it, etc. (the entire situation is difficult to get across and would take too long to explain). It's been going on for several months. I've already taken a lot of my vacation & sick days because I just couldn't handle it anymore – if I didn't, I would have just quit, and I can't do that for very good reasons. My manager asked why I was already out so much this year, as I can just use my PTO without saying why it's needed, so he didn't know. I told them I absolutely dread coming in every day because of the situation, and explained everything. I couldn't even sleep more than…

My point is that I'd like to show you what a manager should be like:

Due to a worker attempting to make me do their job (that I'm unable to do), and making me feel like a PoS about it, etc. (the entire situation is difficult to get across and would take too long to explain). It's been going on for several months. I've already taken a lot of my vacation & sick days because I just couldn't handle it anymore – if I didn't, I would have just quit, and I can't do that for very good reasons.

My manager asked why I was already out so much this year, as I can just use my PTO without saying why it's needed, so he didn't know.

I told them I absolutely dread coming in every day because of the situation, and explained everything. I couldn't even sleep more than 2.5-3 hours a night, and then only in bouts of 45 minutes – even on weekends. It's extremely draining. I just want to get my other work done that's been piling up like crazy (5-6 weeks backlog).

What made it actually unbearable is I have several medical conditions, the important ones being a recently obtained physical disability; the other is Epilepsy. Every year I have to use all my sick and vacation days for medical reasons – I can't afford not to; but now I've had to waste many of them solely on this situation.

Yes, I should have spoke up earlier, but you know how it can be in the workplace – speaking up can potentially get you canned.

So, what did my Manager do?

They actually took time to understand what exactly was going on, then, in a nutshell, they said, “Don't worry about it. I'll handle it, that's what I'm here for – that's exactly what my job as your manager entails.”

(Details of what was done about the situation are unneeded to make my point.)

You should expect your manager to fight FOR you, not AGAINST you.

P.s. – I absolutely know others have it much worse than me when it comes to work. I used to be below the bottom before this current job, so I know how exactly how bad it is for others, and that I have things way better than most. However, I don't want that to detract from my point – hold your manager to their responsibilities, it's their job.

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