
a venting (sorry I know it’s probably petty but I need this)

So I have a dish washing job I hate and I mean hate, the food sucks and I'm told I don't do a good enough job day in and day out dispute the fact that everyone everyday brings me 100 dishes at once almost every second and I'm supposed to A. Clean and make sure I didn't miss anything (witch I could do just fine if they didn't overwhelm me with a bunch all at once) B. In a “timely” manner (code for we want our cake and to eat it too) and C. Do five different levels of advice and do often contradictory things. In a format (an example being I was told by one coworker to drain the sink often and another told me to never drain it until closing). Lastly I have a complaint about one of my coworkers just everytime I mess up I get a…

So I have a dish washing job I hate and I mean hate, the food sucks and I'm told I don't do a good enough job day in and day out dispute the fact that everyone everyday brings me 100 dishes at once almost every second and I'm supposed to A. Clean and make sure I didn't miss anything (witch I could do just fine if they didn't overwhelm me with a bunch all at once) B. In a “timely” manner (code for we want our cake and to eat it too) and C. Do five different levels of advice and do often contradictory things. In a format (an example being I was told by one coworker to drain the sink often and another told me to never drain it until closing). Lastly I have a complaint about one of my coworkers just everytime I mess up I get a comment like “oh do these look the same? I would guess not” the worst part about it is even though this person isn't a Manger I know she's on good terms with both of then so they will back her up and not me.

I'm think of doing the good old fashioned down with the ship strategy ok if your going to.treat me like this then “Fuck you, Fuck this , I might be going down but so is everyone else” but I know it just end in my loss and the inability to pay rent

Thanks for reading I feel better just typing this out

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