I saw an absolutely disgusting job listing on Indeed a few hours ago and I’m still thinking about how bad it was. I wish I had taken some screenshots, but I didn’t and I’ve blocked the job listing so it’s not going to show up again for me. But heres the highlights:
-First of all, one of the requirements is that you have at minimum 5 years of experience with the same company. If your resume doesn’t show that you’ve stayed at the same job for 5+ years, it says to not bother applying.
-You can work from home, but you are required to be on a video call with all of your coworkers for the entire day. The mere existence of such a policy infuriates me, but the way it was worded managed to make it even worse. It went something like, “This isn’t like other work from home jobs where you can just roll out of bed and get on your computer while your kid sits in your lap! We expect better of you!”
-The job posting was extremely unprofessional, including text slang like “lol” and emojis. I found this to be downright insulting. Your remote employees are expected to act strictly professional on a video all day long, allowed no level of casualness even in their own homes, and you’re putting a 😉 winky face in your listing??
-The company does not offer health insurance for any of its employees.
-Finally, the salary they’re offering you in return for your 5+ years of experience (at the same job!!), constant video surveillance in your own home, and no health insurance…..is 40k.
Not even $20 an hour.
I hate job hunting so much.