
a year after laying me off with 30 minutes notice, my old boss asked if I might have a copy of their entire company’s directory on hand

I wish I was joking. I was laid off a year ago – 30 minutes before end of shift my entire department was called in and told we didn't have to come the next day. I was pissed, obviously, but I got on with my life because I have to make rent. Last night, I got a text from said boss, asking if I wanted to make some money on the side. I still have hard feelings, but money's money so I said yes. She asked if I could please transfer the entire company's old directory to the new one (they moved state and went under a different name after laying us all off). Because apparently, after they moved, they did not SAVE their directory and take it with them. I was their compliance officer, and now they need me to provide proof of compliance in their new state. So…

I wish I was joking. I was laid off a year ago – 30 minutes before end of shift my entire department was called in and told we didn't have to come the next day. I was pissed, obviously, but I got on with my life because I have to make rent.

Last night, I got a text from said boss, asking if I wanted to make some money on the side. I still have hard feelings, but money's money so I said yes. She asked if I could please transfer the entire company's old directory to the new one (they moved state and went under a different name after laying us all off).

Because apparently, after they moved, they did not SAVE their directory and take it with them. I was their compliance officer, and now they need me to provide proof of compliance in their new state. So they need their old directory to get all of the old compliance records, as well as all of their old documents.

I just… how? how? How do you go a year without these files?? How do you not make a backup of your entire company's directory?

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