
A year ago my job rescinded by hybrid status

Exactly one year ago, I was called into my manager's office. I had been working hybrid (3 afternoons at home – barely hybrid) because my elderly dog was in end-stage heart and kidney failure. I was trying to take care of her the best I could and spend quality time with her while I could. My manager said, “It seems like she'll be around for a while, so we're going to need you to come back to the office full-time.” I was speechless. Five weeks later, I had a job offer from a company that was 100% remote – and when asked the question of why I was looking for another job in the interview, I said, “My current job won't let me work from home to be with my dying dog.” Never been so honest in an interview and never got an offer so quickly. I had six really…

Exactly one year ago, I was called into my manager's office. I had been working hybrid (3 afternoons at home – barely hybrid) because my elderly dog was in end-stage heart and kidney failure. I was trying to take care of her the best I could and spend quality time with her while I could.

My manager said, “It seems like she'll be around for a while, so we're going to need you to come back to the office full-time.” I was speechless.

Five weeks later, I had a job offer from a company that was 100% remote – and when asked the question of why I was looking for another job in the interview, I said, “My current job won't let me work from home to be with my dying dog.” Never been so honest in an interview and never got an offer so quickly.

I had six really beautiful months working from home with my dog before she crossed the rainbow bridge. I'm so thankful for the time I got to spend with her, they truly were the best months. I can't imagine the regret I would feel if I had stayed at that other job.

The moral of the story – sometimes we need to change jobs for personal reasons, not career advancement, and that's just as valid.

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