
absolutely done with this working life shit

Maybe its the neurodivergency, maybe its the times, or its just culture now adays i have no idea. I grew up watching my dad work where he did and it became my dream….busted my ass learning all I could and came in at the bottom at 20, got tricked multiple times into changing positions being told “yeah you'll move to where you want just go here”. This year makes 12 years, last year my best friend and coworker(someone i literally grew up next to) killed himself. I took up his job, did his dads job (so he would greive and not have a mental breakdown at work) on top of doing my own…..6 months into that I finally reached burnout when my opportunity I have worked this whole time for came up…..they gave it to a guy who showed no interest til 2 months prior with not even a quarter…

Maybe its the neurodivergency, maybe its the times, or its just culture now adays i have no idea. I grew up watching my dad work where he did and it became my dream….busted my ass learning all I could and came in at the bottom at 20, got tricked multiple times into changing positions being told “yeah you'll move to where you want just go here”.

This year makes 12 years, last year my best friend and coworker(someone i literally grew up next to) killed himself. I took up his job, did his dads job (so he would greive and not have a mental breakdown at work) on top of doing my own…..6 months into that I finally reached burnout when my opportunity I have worked this whole time for came up…..they gave it to a guy who showed no interest til 2 months prior with not even a quarter of the knowledge needed to do it. That same guy then came after me so maliciously i got backed into a corner and demoted being called “a hazard” for common shit i have seen everyone else fuck up before. And ironically it was my first time fucking that up…first time attempting it at all honestly.

Why the hell do work places like this exsist? Don't even know how to survive anymore considering this place is all i know

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