
Absolutely inhumane interview process

So the HR manager of this big company reaches out to me and shes like youre great for this job we would love to hire you. They then make me go through 4 rounds of interviews and then at the end give me 2 days to finish a “prework” This pre-work brief just says this: build a platform strategy. Your strategy should include: – Chosen social platforms, with ranking of focus/priority. Outline the approach, thinking and research that led you to your chosen platforms – Role of each platform (including objectives) – Target audience by platform – Recommended objectives by platform – Recommended content formats, with rationale – Content frequency So I put together a 7 page single spaced document with a super detailed platform strategy including everything they ask for. They ask me for a call and in the call they tell me “we arent moving forward with you…

So the HR manager of this big company reaches out to me and shes like youre great for this job we would love to hire you. They then make me go through 4 rounds of interviews and then at the end give me 2 days to finish a “prework”

This pre-work brief just says this:

build a platform strategy. Your strategy should include:
– Chosen social platforms, with ranking of focus/priority. Outline the approach, thinking and research that led you to your chosen platforms
– Role of each platform (including objectives)
– Target audience by platform
– Recommended objectives by platform
– Recommended content formats, with rationale
– Content frequency

So I put together a 7 page single spaced document with a super detailed platform strategy including everything they ask for.

They ask me for a call and in the call they tell me “we arent moving forward with you but wanted to give you some feedback”

They tell me they expected a fully designed powerpoint deck with objectives, design work, numbers, research done for each target audience, how to do the research step my step methodology, paid media, how much money for each paid media like thats fucking insane and wasnt listed in the brief. They also wanted graphics done and mockups.

if they wanted more why not just tell me? why not just ask for what you actually wanted? if they told me they want a deck with all that stuff I would have happily made it and included KPIs and numbers that I guess they wanted me to pull out of my ass because they never gave me a budget

I brought up my concerns that I 1. already have a full time job, 2. was only given two days to do this and 3. why not just ask for what you wanted?

Their answer:”we wanted to see where your mind would naturally go”

its just effed they expect me to magically know that they want way more than just what they brief asked for

Am I crazy? I tried to go to my friends and their replies were:

““Next time follow up with an email with all the questions that you have. shows that you’re being proactive. “

“usually you have to just give a number which is dependent on the running period and KPIs”

“it’s a pretty common standard to keep the brief “brief” and then see what the candidate asks as a follow up.”

wtf happened to if you want something you say what you fucking want and dont expect people to read your mind. Am I losing my mind? I feel like I'm going crazy

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