
according to my boss:

-i’m manipulative -i put my coworkers in danger by using the restroom -i’m full of shit for not being able to afford a low fodmap diet to ease my ibs -i have to change my diet or else i will be punished by losing hours -i am not a human being -i do not deserve empathy -i weaponize my mental illness -i have broken the law at work?? was told this literally out of nowhere during my benchmark meeting should i give them my two weeks or just quit on the spot when i get a new job?

-i’m manipulative
-i put my coworkers in danger by using the restroom
-i’m full of shit for not being able to afford a low fodmap diet to ease my ibs
-i have to change my diet or else i will be punished by losing hours
-i am not a human being
-i do not deserve empathy
-i weaponize my mental illness
-i have broken the law at work??

was told this literally out of nowhere during my benchmark meeting

should i give them my two weeks or just quit on the spot when i get a new job?

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