
Accused of Silently Quitting

About two weeks ago I put in my notice that I was resigning from my IT position. I learned a lot and enjoyed some aspects of the job, but I got burned out and shifting my focus to school. I just felt drained mentally and emotionally most days and realized that I am not enjoying my job anymore. I am one that does not make a lot of changes so this was a big deal for me putting in my notice. When I had done it, I felt a huge sigh of relief. I still plan on working, just in a job that requires less hours and pressure to perform. I need one that doesn't require me to think so much. Tomorrow is my last day and of course the week I am leaving it's a busy week. My boss came into my office today and just started to complain…

About two weeks ago I put in my notice that I was resigning from my IT position. I learned a lot and enjoyed some aspects of the job, but I got burned out and shifting my focus to school. I just felt drained mentally and emotionally most days and realized that I am not enjoying my job anymore. I am one that does not make a lot of changes so this was a big deal for me putting in my notice. When I had done it, I felt a huge sigh of relief. I still plan on working, just in a job that requires less hours and pressure to perform. I need one that doesn't require me to think so much.

Tomorrow is my last day and of course the week I am leaving it's a busy week. My boss came into my office today and just started to complain to me. First, he was complaining about how there is so much work coming up and that he can't trust the other senior engineer and he wants to fire him but can't because I am leaving. Second, he went on about how my generation is silently quitting, and we don't have family values. He said that calling off Mondays doesn't just happen here but all around the nation, it's an epidemic. I had worked from home on Monday because there was Maintenace on my apartment that was needed but I didn't call out. They implied that we, the generation, are looking to work less hours and that we don't want to work. He came from a generation that “fought in world war 2” and “works hard and cares about other people.” Basically, I took it as he was saying that by me quitting, I was just lazy and selfish and wouldn't be fulfilled because what I am doing is focusing on myself.

I work hard and learn quickly. I care about people and always try to help when I can. I had just got out of the military when I landed this job about two years ago and was excited. After gaining experience I realized this is not the life I want and want to do something different. It just is annoying that after all the time I put in that I am sort of getting lectured about being laze in a sense. I told them that we realized that there is more to life than working 40 hours doing the week and then working on the weekend, that was the hours I was working.

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