
Advice needed for a family member who worked in PA that recently quit their job.

Hello. I'll try to make this short n sweet. I need advice for legal action or for a organization that deals with this type of stuff that resides in Pennsylvania. I have a family member who recently quit their job. It was a care taker / taking care of people with Austisim in a half-way house type of setting. My fam member quit simply because of the poor management. They felt mangament should have provided better quality of life instances, and voicing their opinion didn't work. So, they quit. Since they have quit, the company they worked for HR dept. is trying to say that they not only commited “insurance fraud” for a Doctor appointment they had and received medical treatment for back in June. This company is also saying that since they quit without notice, my fam member left them in a position so that they're trying to deem…

Hello. I'll try to make this short n sweet. I need advice for legal action or for a organization that deals with this type of stuff that resides in Pennsylvania.

I have a family member who recently quit their job. It was a care taker / taking care of people with Austisim in a half-way house type of setting. My fam member quit simply because of the poor management. They felt mangament should have provided better quality of life instances, and voicing their opinion didn't work. So, they quit.

Since they have quit, the company they worked for HR dept. is trying to say that they not only commited “insurance fraud” for a Doctor appointment they had and received medical treatment for back in June. This company is also saying that since they quit without notice, my fam member left them in a position so that they're trying to deem my fam member as “negligible”, since my family member quit on the spot and walked out. The more serious issue is this company, without any notice for quiting two weeks or whatnot, is trying to go after them for being negligible. Meanwhile, they're trying to get my family member back into the office to sign a whole bunch of papers and whatnot.

While they should not go back to the company and sign these papers, what else can my fam member do? Basically get an attorney or report the company to an organization based in Pennsylvania or something?

If people here suggest they seek an attorney, what type? Any recommendations? This is above all of our heads as a family, and we have no clue how to handle this. Any type of help, recommendation, legal advice, etc etc. would be greatly appreciated.


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