
Advice needed: found sexually explicit content saved on company Instagram (by our boss)

My coworker and I (both females) are social media content creators at a start up in charge of creating and scheduling content, but our boss runs all the day to day activity, messaging, saving, community, comments etc. Today we were looking into the saved folders and found several sexually inappropriate images of women and sex-related memes. Also a good chuck of the “for you” tab contains the same sexual material. We know for a fact it was our boss as he is the only one who has access to the account and manages the “community” aspect of the accounts. This is obviously making us feel very uncomfortable, especially since we found a box of condoms in a drawer of our community “kitchen” section as work a few months back. No one else works in the office aside from us and two male members of the executive team. Does anyone have…

My coworker and I (both females) are social media content creators at a start up in charge of creating and scheduling content, but our boss runs all the day to day activity, messaging, saving, community, comments etc.

Today we were looking into the saved folders and found several sexually inappropriate images of women and sex-related memes. Also a good chuck of the “for you” tab contains the same sexual material.

We know for a fact it was our boss as he is the only one who has access to the account and manages the “community” aspect of the accounts.

This is obviously making us feel very uncomfortable, especially since we found a box of condoms in a drawer of our community “kitchen” section as work a few months back.

No one else works in the office aside from us and two male members of the executive team.

Does anyone have any advice on how to proceed with this?

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