
Advice needed: HR illegal policies and refusing to give access to employee files

Need help. I work in healthcare and am getting ready to report neglect/abuse of an individual in my care (by other staff). I have written a complaint about the incidents (basically management is trying to sweep it under the rug) and it is being “investigated”. The person in question (doing the neglect) is still employed with the company, but is now on a PIP. I believe my job is in jeopardy now so I am wanting to take steps to cover my ass. I requested all personal documents from HR, partly because of curiosity (I have heard they forge documents and are shady af) and also because they have a “don't talk about wages” policy or we will be fired – which I am getting ready to report to the DOL (I'm pretty sure they made me sign something saying I wouldn't talk about my wages, hence why I wanted…

Need help. I work in healthcare and am getting ready to report neglect/abuse of an individual in my care (by other staff). I have written a complaint about the incidents (basically management is trying to sweep it under the rug) and it is being “investigated”. The person in question (doing the neglect) is still employed with the company, but is now on a PIP.

I believe my job is in jeopardy now so I am wanting to take steps to cover my ass. I requested all personal documents from HR, partly because of curiosity (I have heard they forge documents and are shady af) and also because they have a “don't talk about wages” policy or we will be fired – which I am getting ready to report to the DOL (I'm pretty sure they made me sign something saying I wouldn't talk about my wages, hence why I wanted to request all signed documents). HR basically told me that state law does not govern them and they are saying that they cannot grant access to my documents per HIPAA (is this illegal?). I have it in writing and a recorded phone call.

So I am wondering what my next steps are. HR literally asked me to educate them on the law if there is something wrong with their policies. Should I comply and try to get the documents or just report everything to the DOL and HHS? I also might have a wage theft claim, I spoke with one attorney and they did not take my case though so I will try again in the morning.

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