
Advice needed: Should I just straight up quit my job I’ve been at for 1.5 months or give my 2-weeks?

For context, I've been working at this hotel bar as a bartender for the past 1.5 months. I have a ton of fine serving/restaurant experience, and I'm an expert server. At first, I genuinely thought it would be a good gig (despite the extreme turnover they had been having forever, 1st red flag!). As I started, I began to realize how much it SUCKED. The place is horrendously managed. Every single shift is unnecessarily stressful and negative, and I hate every minute I'm there. The managers genuinely don't give a shit, and my manager constantly disappears. They are CONSTANTLY out of basic liquors like Tito's and Aperol. They made the idiotic decision to make us fresh juice all of our fruits, despite us being so high volume at times and the clientele primarily being sorority girls. The POS system is it's own thing… it constantly glitches or crashes, and it's…

For context, I've been working at this hotel bar as a bartender for the past 1.5 months. I have a ton of fine serving/restaurant experience, and I'm an expert server. At first, I genuinely thought it would be a good gig (despite the extreme turnover they had been having forever, 1st red flag!). As I started, I began to realize how much it SUCKED. The place is horrendously managed. Every single shift is unnecessarily stressful and negative, and I hate every minute I'm there. The managers genuinely don't give a shit, and my manager constantly disappears. They are CONSTANTLY out of basic liquors like Tito's and Aperol. They made the idiotic decision to make us fresh juice all of our fruits, despite us being so high volume at times and the clientele primarily being sorority girls. The POS system is it's own thing… it constantly glitches or crashes, and it's hard to navigate. I constantly have to tell customers we're out of things or make excuses for bs. The other straw was that our last paychecks were shorted by several hundred each (oops, just a glitch!)!!! The $$$ I make is not enough for all the bs I have to deal with, and all the other bartenders in town make much more. Suffice to say, I hate every aspect of the job. Now onto the next part.

I JUST got hired at this brand new top tier restaurant. I know for a fact that the owners are great, $$$ is fantastic, food is phenomenal, great/passionate management, etc.. All in all, it's a GREAT opportunity, and I'm super lucky to have gotten the job. So onto the conflict. I have started training at new place, and some of my new shifts conflict with current hated job. I don't have time to put in my 2 weeks at current place, nor do I really want to. I feel like, considering all the bs I have had to deal with, plus only being there not even 2 months. I honestly just want to straight up quit because I hate it so much. I know that isn't considerate to my coworkers, but honestly, that's not my fucking problem that they're so understaffed. So r/antiwork, should I just straight up quit and save myself the stress of trying to work 6 shifts this week and conflict with my new job???

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