
advice on how to inform my toxic manager that I am quitting?

I’m only casually employed. I understand that my shift manager is human and gets super stressed out about the lack of ability to find suitable employees for our retail/warehouse store, and I think it would be unfair to give little or no notice. Our assistant manager just quit a few days ago due to health reasons and got given the silent treatment for the first day. I have ASD and my shift manager has treated me like I am stupid since she found out and has only just recently started treating me somewhat fairly and letting me learn to do tasks that other employees do after nearly 9 months of proving my worth. There was an incident involving a new employee spreading lies about me and trying to get me fired and I was surprised that all my coworkers rallied around me, including my shift manager. The new employee only…

I’m only casually employed. I understand that my shift manager is human and gets super stressed out about the lack of ability to find suitable employees for our retail/warehouse store, and I think it would be unfair to give little or no notice. Our assistant manager just quit a few days ago due to health reasons and got given the silent treatment for the first day. I have ASD and my shift manager has treated me like I am stupid since she found out and has only just recently started treating me somewhat fairly and letting me learn to do tasks that other employees do after nearly 9 months of proving my worth. There was an incident involving a new employee spreading lies about me and trying to get me fired and I was surprised that all my coworkers rallied around me, including my shift manager. The new employee only received a verbal warning and continued to death stare me and refused to cooperate until a couple of days ago when I would insert myself into conversations so she had no other choice but to be civil with me. I have anxiety as well and am a huge people pleaser who always likes to empathise and give the benefit of the doubt, so the thought of quitting and my manager going into a rage terrifies me. I have just accepted a more suitable job that is two hours closer to home and in a field that I actually enjoy. How do I survive breaking the news and working through my notice period without breaking down or having a panic attack?

more info: I also want to give notice because one of my housemates just started work at my current job and I don’t want her to face any problems/be treated poorly over me leaving.

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