
Afraid I might be let go today after fallowing work guidelines and coworkers advice

Work is strict about illness. We have on campus health screening and employee health building for check ups. Last week I got really sick and called out one day. Came back still feeling like death so on the advice of my coworkers and boss i got checked out after my shift that day (I still l worked even though I shouldn't have) and they look me out of work for a few days. This morning I feel much better and I'm going back to get cleared to go back today. However I have attempted to have a conversation over text and email with my boss and other department heads (in case she was out and I didn't know) about what is going on and won't have gotten no response about anything in the past few days. On paper I did everything to the book. Everything I was to do if…

Work is strict about illness. We have on campus health screening and employee health building for check ups. Last week I got really sick and called out one day. Came back still feeling like death so on the advice of my coworkers and boss i got checked out after my shift that day (I still l worked even though I shouldn't have) and they look me out of work for a few days. This morning I feel much better and I'm going back to get cleared to go back today. However I have attempted to have a conversation over text and email with my boss and other department heads (in case she was out and I didn't know) about what is going on and won't have gotten no response about anything in the past few days.

On paper I did everything to the book. Everything I was to do if I was sick according to my company. But I still have this feeling that when I walk in there today I'm going to get pulled into the office and they are gonna pull some shit. I posted earlier about my job throwing me under the bus for two new people, and that just sucks and makes no sense. Because of this during my few days stuck in bed I have put in applications.

I think I'm scaring myself but rant over.

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