
AI will only make things worse, not better.

As I'm sure you're all very well aware of, the oligarchs/billionaires/corporations/banks do not earn money, they take advantage of the working class's social division and ignorance to get the excessive amounts of wealth not one single person or entity should control, while the majority of us live in poverty or near it. What the actual fuck do you think AI will learn from our society once AI has access to broader learning tools such as the internet? Think chatgpt3000, optimizing the dystopia that we currently live in to be dystopia3000™. If that doesn't send chills down your spine I don't know what will! What, do you think the AI handlers will allow the AI to tear down the oligarch's meticulously organized system of control? AI will optimize crony capitalism onto the world 10 fold. Hell, my common sense tells me chatgpt is just another AI experiment for the main AI…

As I'm sure you're all very well aware of, the oligarchs/billionaires/corporations/banks do not earn money, they take advantage of the working class's social division and ignorance to get the excessive amounts of wealth not one single person or entity should control, while the majority of us live in poverty or near it. What the actual fuck do you think AI will learn from our society once AI has access to broader learning tools such as the internet? Think chatgpt3000, optimizing the dystopia that we currently live in to be dystopia3000™. If that doesn't send chills down your spine I don't know what will!

What, do you think the AI handlers will allow the AI to tear down the oligarch's meticulously organized system of control? AI will optimize crony capitalism onto the world 10 fold. Hell, my common sense tells me chatgpt is just another AI experiment for the main AI that's undoubtedly somewhere in the private sector. . .in other words they're in all likelihood already secretly using AI in nefarious ways to gain even more influence over wage slaves.

. . .We live in a civilization where exploitation of wage slaves is normalized. THERE HASN'T BEEN AS MANY SLAVES ON THIS PLANET IN ANY OTHER TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY Now imagine an AI going “hmm, how do I make that system of slavery even more efficient

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