
Airport Employees are doing their best at the moment. Blame the Weather, not the airlines.

I currently work for a regional airline and this past week was a literal week from hell due to cancellations and delays. I have had passengers yell, scream, threaten, and pull stupid as shit to see what I can do for them. Worst case scenario, we can’t get open seats to any destination regardless of airline until after Monday. (If you are stuck at an airport, I wish you good luck and hang in there) I’m overworked (40+ hours) , very underpaid, and about to quit just because of passengers and management at my airline treating employees like literal slaves. I was at the point of tears due to everything that has happened. My 67 year old father was literally heartbroken over me telling him that I was done with my job that I wanted to quit yesterday. I had worked in retail environments for the past five years. I…

I currently work for a regional airline and this past week was a literal week from hell due to cancellations and delays. I have had passengers yell, scream, threaten, and pull stupid as shit to see what I can do for them. Worst case scenario, we can’t get open seats to any destination regardless of airline until after Monday. (If you are stuck at an airport, I wish you good luck and hang in there)
I’m overworked (40+ hours) , very underpaid, and about to quit just because of passengers and management at my airline treating employees like literal slaves. I was at the point of tears due to everything that has happened. My 67 year old father was literally heartbroken over me telling him that I was done with my job that I wanted to quit yesterday. I had worked in retail environments for the past five years. I am working 6 days straight and over 12 hours per shift with no break due to understaffing at my airport.

(If you’ve intentionally missed a flight over the past 48 hours just to see what could happen, we cannot rebook you due to everything going on. I wish I can say it is your fault and you are being an asshole.)


A Pissed off Airline Employee

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