
AITA for ghosting my soon to be ex boss?

So basically, I’ve recently been offered a new higher paying/higher title job. In three days, I’m resigning from a position that I’ve been in for 2 years (mid tier leadership), and it will completely leave my current boss (VP) screwed. We are currently traveling out of state for a work trip (I work remotely, my company is headquartered out of state), and today I ignored all their calls and texts after I left the office (it was an invite to go out for drinks/food). Not trying to be an asshole, but I’m not exactly fond of them from a management standpoint. They fired my direct leader last summer without discussing with me (which was fine, didn’t really care for that person either), but I became expected to work the role of two people (manager/director). My VP passes every single thing off to me so they can skirt accountability on tasks,…

So basically, I’ve recently been offered a new higher paying/higher title job. In three days, I’m resigning from a position that I’ve been in for 2 years (mid tier leadership), and it will completely leave my current boss (VP) screwed.
We are currently traveling out of state for a work trip (I work remotely, my company is headquartered out of state), and today I ignored all their calls and texts after I left the office (it was an invite to go out for drinks/food). Not trying to be an asshole, but I’m not exactly fond of them from a management standpoint.
They fired my direct leader last summer without discussing with me (which was fine, didn’t really care for that person either), but I became expected to work the role of two people (manager/director). My VP passes every single thing off to me so they can skirt accountability on tasks, and I’ve grown tired of carrying the entire department – and they refuse to promote me because I’m remote/out of state, though my VP has out all their eggs into my basket and are desperate to keep me.
Anyway, I’m resigning when we return on Monday. Am I an asshole for ghosting??

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