
AITA for not coming into work to cover for a coworker even though another coworker would have covered for her?

This happened in December and my coworker still hates me for it so I just wanted to get people's opinions. I started my job off as an internship and now work part time as I'm a full time college student. I go to work Mondays and Tuesdays, and occasionally Wednesdays but only if needed as I have a class at 3. My coworker A joined around November and takes care of some of my daily tasks on the days I'm off. Before she joined, my coworker B would do them on my off days. In Decemeber, coworker A asked me if I could come in on a Wednesday to do the daily tasks as she had a doctor's appointment. I said okay but when I told my boss, my boss told me to not come because there was no need, that coworker B could take care of it, and that…

This happened in December and my coworker still hates me for it so I just wanted to get people's opinions.

I started my job off as an internship and now work part time as I'm a full time college student. I go to work Mondays and Tuesdays, and occasionally Wednesdays but only if needed as I have a class at 3.

My coworker A joined around November and takes care of some of my daily tasks on the days I'm off. Before she joined, my coworker B would do them on my off days.

In Decemeber, coworker A asked me if I could come in on a Wednesday to do the daily tasks as she had a doctor's appointment. I said okay but when I told my boss, my boss told me to not come because there was no need, that coworker B could take care of it, and that she knew I had finals that entire week. I wanted to tell A but she was off site by the time I talked to my boss and it didn't seem like anything urgent to tell her.

The next week when I came to work, A told me that she needed to come into work to do the daily tasks and then rush to her doctor's appointment. I was very confused why because she was on PTO and coworker B could cover and when I told her I really wanted to come but my boss declined, she just smiled at me and left.

Since that day, she would do the daily tasks even on days that I was there and when I asked her why she was doing my job, she told me that I was inconsistent and unreliable and that if I wanted to do daily tasks, I had to come in daily. I was so confused by this sudden, unfounded attack and wanted to bring it to my boss's attention but my boss is useless and I eventually gave up.

To this day, she is still doing all the daily tasks so I don't really do too much at work, though I'm not complaining but she still holds an attitude with me. She makes it pretty clear she doesn't like me, just inadvertently and I've honestly given up and just don't interact unless absolutely necessary but I really want to know if what I did was really wrong?

I've shared this story with my friends and they think that maybe she didn't want B to take those tasks from her like how she basically did to me. I don't really see much bad blood between the two, except for the one time B reported A for working on her vacation days and B has never taken the reports from me and while she is a bit serious and work focused, she is kind. Thoughts?

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