
AITA for wanting to make a complaint to my boss about a coworker?

I have been at my current company for almost 9 months. It was less pay than my previous job but during the interview, I felt a really good connection with everyone. 2 months in, my direct manager quit so it’s been just two senior analyst and 2 analyst including me. Everyone was basically on edge because of the workload. I have offered help so many times but often I get responses like “I’m not your manager so I don’t really have anything to give you.” When I try to speak with them, they would talk with their backs and not face me. I tell my director that if anyone needs my help, I’m available and to include me in important and educational meetings. Sometimes I get tasks assigned to me and many times no one say anything. Since then, I’ve offered less help. Whatever, I try not to take things…

I have been at my current company for almost 9 months. It was less pay than my previous job but during the interview, I felt a really good connection with everyone. 2 months in, my direct manager quit so it’s been just two senior analyst and 2 analyst including me. Everyone was basically on edge because of the workload. I have offered help so many times but often I get responses like “I’m not your manager so I don’t really have anything to give you.” When I try to speak with them, they would talk with their backs and not face me. I tell my director that if anyone needs my help, I’m available and to include me in important and educational meetings. Sometimes I get tasks assigned to me and many times no one say anything.

Since then, I’ve offered less help. Whatever, I try not to take things to heart because it’s just work stress. What crossed the line was when my integrity is being questioned and my name being used in vain. The other analyst is being moved to another department so all her previous duties is given to me. With the new role, she has to train me on top of it. When she’s busy, she asks to give her a minute so I respect that. I often find the answers myself. I’m not worried if people think I’m slow. I make sure everything is done correctly.

So I sent an email if we can go over a task she asked me to remind her. She never responded to my question just sends me the meeting request. I emailed back that I can’t because I have to wrap things up. She then calls me and immediately asks “what am I doing currently and what I did the whole day.” I reiterated what I am doing and she questions why I’m still doing it. I said because something went wrong and I had to do it again. Does not believe me and accuses me of lying. She said she asked the person I was doing the task with why am I telling her that I’m still doing it when it was already done at noon. Again, I had to redo it. Questioning why I have so many blocked times on my calendar. Because I want to have time to do specific tasks?? Questioning why did they go away the next day? Because I take them off when I get work done early?? I said if anyone needs me, they can ask. It’s called communicating. Questioning if I submit PTO requests when I am out. Why is it relevant to her? She got upset because I was not following her schedule because she’ll be out. How am I supposed to know? Accuses me for confronting only to cover my tracks. I have nothing to hide. I frankly said I have no issues confronting anyone.

This is not the first time. It feels like I’m setting up for failure. Tells me one thing then changes when I repeat it to her. I want to file a complaint to my boss that this is completely inappropriate and I cannot work properly because it is demotivating and suffocating. I am not a child, I handle people but I have been trying to build relationships with everyone but I feel so I unwelcome. AITA?

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