
All I do so far at work is sitting

All I do so far, this temp job, this is the 5th week I'm learning the exact same thing. I'm an assembler and essentially I'm just waiting for a product to get coated, which lasts anywhere from 6-10 mins, then it spends 3 minutes drying.. I sit out and wait for the timer to go off to do the next step. Anybody would be thrilled for just sitting out to do nothing but wait, so I am happy to do the bare minimum for now, I just can't figure out how to use the time when im not moving. I've done some writing, making lists of various things but I'm running out of ideas. I would bring my music device and pop some ear buds in but Im not allowed to bring a music device into the area. Im in a clean room, I think its just a germ thing.…

All I do so far, this temp job, this is the 5th week I'm learning the exact same thing. I'm an assembler and essentially I'm just waiting for a product to get coated, which lasts anywhere from 6-10 mins, then it spends 3 minutes drying.. I sit out and wait for the timer to go off to do the next step. Anybody would be thrilled for just sitting out to do nothing but wait, so I am happy to do the bare minimum for now, I just can't figure out how to use the time when im not moving. I've done some writing, making lists of various things but I'm running out of ideas. I would bring my music device and pop some ear buds in but Im not allowed to bring a music device into the area. Im in a clean room, I think its just a germ thing. Everyone around me seems constantly moving, and actually last week there was some people that commented at me like “what are you doing?” I just responded that i was waiting for the timer to go off before putting the next set in.

This was more like a rant but if someone has an idea maybe? I can get paper and write things to pass the time, i cant use a computer, were not allowed to have phones in the clean room

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